To prepare youth locally and globally to thrive as leaders and global citizens, equipped to positively impact their communities and the world.

We envision a world where youth are: prepared to lead with confidence in diverse communities; motivated to actively seek innovative solutions to improve the world around them; and have the skills and knowledge needed to be highly effective global citizens.

J.J. Green - National Security Correspondent at WTOP, Joseph Colon - Director of The Office of Multicultural Affairs at Johns Hopkins University, Annika Adams - Director of Revere Event Planning & Design, Ra'ael Kelley - Youth Member of Changing Destinations: Journey to Excellence, Carletta Sweeney - Sr. Administrative Assistant w/NuVasive Clinical Services, Douglas Hammond - eCommerce Analyst w/Snyder's-Lance, Kirk Gaskins - Underwriter w/Amalgamated Casualty Insurance, Rose Varner-Gaskins - President Emeritus of Changing Destinations: Journey to Excellence,
Sasha E. Butler - President of Inxcellence Consulting: Coaching & Training Solutions
The inspiration for Changing Destinations came eight years ago from Mrs. Rose Varner-Gaskins’ desire to further enhance students’ opportunities for success. While serving as the Director of Multicultural Student Affairs at Johns Hopkins University, Mrs. Varner-Gaskins met with several colleagues to discuss strategies for better preparing high school students for the academic, social, and cultural challenges of college life. She reached out to middle and high school principals and community-based organizations to ascertain the needs of their students. She also attended community board meetings in Anne Arundel and Howard Counties to advocate on behalf of middle and high school students.
Mrs. Varner-Gaskins served as a volunteer for Black Student Family Community Network (BSFCN). BSFCN facilitated the involvement of Black students, their families and the community in positive collaboration with the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS), community individuals, institutions and organizations that assisted in equipping Black students to be successful and excel in their education and in life. They also promoted and facilitated educational, financial, and other programs which support the success and development of Black students, their families and the community.
Additionally, she observed meetings and attended events for the Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP). BSAP assists the Howard County Public School System in closing the achievement gap evident in the patterns of data between black students and the student population at large. While these organizations provided great services, the underlining concern of BSFCN and BSAP is that there are not enough organizations available to meet the overwhelming needs of students in their communities.
Through her research and community involvement, Rose concluded, more support for student development programs is needed. In February 2013, Changing Destinations: Journey to Excellence was officially incorporated.